Day of darkness… Mind of misery…
Realm of reality… Hiding in the heart…
Body with burden… Soul of sorrow…
These are the landmarks pegged on the Life …
Outward glimpses outstretched far
Cared to cure the hearts not so far
Feel the ache and feel the contempt
One veils other with the waves of life
Realize the realism that is real
Try to give the tranquility to the heart that tears
Want a way out that shows the way?
Turn to your Lord with your load of tears.
Put the trust with affirmed base
Only on the Lord who cures with care
He loves you more than any one does
Even than… yourself mum and dad
He is the Most Just who never fails
To give the justice to whoever fails…
If you get it this life say Alhamdulillah
If not… that is a test for a great day say Alhamdulillah
Turn to Allah with rolling tears
Tears which bear the pain that pears
Heart will become tranquil that is for sure
Promise of Allah that I can assure.
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find serenity
[Glorious Qur’an 13:28]
World is passion
Man as succession
Life is a mission
For those with ambition
It is an admission
For those with suspicion
Islam as the vision
Allah’s provision
Khalifa as the position
For those have submission.
Man as succession
Life is a mission
For those with ambition
It is an admission
For those with suspicion
Islam as the vision
Allah’s provision
Khalifa as the position
For those have submission.
Dawn of desires… rampant rise…
Within the soul as rolling waves …
Silent stimulants … sit at sides…
Whilst the way is so much straight
Calling to colours that is fake
Showing the shadows that it makes
Cooling the eyes … healing the heart…
Strengthening the soul … making to walk…
Look at the mirror and refresh the ears !!!
Give a thought that trembles the heart…
Twinkling two eyes…
Mouth with a tongue and a pair of lips…
Two ways…“on track” other “off track”
Remind me the word that Allah says;
“Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue, and a pair of lips? And shown him the two highways?” [Glorious Qur’an90:8-10]
I Know the path that is on track
Path that leads to park my truck
Having the gaze that goes so straight…
Guarding the modest not as a bait
Thanking the bounty got in the life
Bounds from the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.

After leading me in Fajr Salah , you sat on the corner of the room, looking at our little ones with your watered eyes.I came to you with a cup of tea as I knew it would refresh you.
You started looking at me with a cloud of happiness and a ray of hope...
I knew these were the final moments of our love, but amazingly you said, "No my love we will meet again soon Insha Allah"
It was amazing to have another surprise, that you still understand what my heart thinks, even if I fail to utter it...
I knew well that I will be left alone in that dark world, but you reminded me of the stories of the Sahaba , who have gone through the same door.
You told me that you have to go so soon to have a place in Jannah for us, you told me to be patient until I would see you with me in the garden of Jannah.
The scars and the old wounds which you have, were the lovely gifts which I had in my life, because you got them whenever you tried to serve Islam.
I knew I will never have another time, to dress up your wounds with many Du'as.
But Allah made my heart strong enough to bare all the tears of this life, for His sake.
Nothing more than the silence surrounded us in that cold morning
I saw the sun rays coming through the little hole which was there on the wall. They added beauty to to your eyes by falling on them. And they reminded me of the happiness I had , every time I saw these precious eyes of yours waking up every day.
So you stood up to leave and my heart started to cry. But I convinced my self because I was taught that my tears should not melt you anymore. So I smiled , and again, you never failed to read my heart.
Finlay you said, "May be I am not near, but always remember that Allah is always near to you, and make sure that you witness the blooming of our little flowers inside the garden of Islam "
Yes.. you went went away to have a place in Jannah for us.
How will I let you know about the cute stories of your kids? How will I let you know,that how much I miss you whenever someone recites the Qur'an early in the morning?
But I know you are safe with the help of Allah, in an unseen world, and Insha Allah a day will come when, I will have you by my side again eternally and forever Insha Allah..
There are thousands unshared of stories remaining with me,only to be shared with you. I know the day of success of Palestine and the day of our unity in Jannah are not so far...
~Your wife~
Written By: Shifnas Thamiem